Guidance Document
For destinations and businesses
This is a guide to the images, graphics, fonts, copy and marketing platforms that are used to present England Originals in print and online. Each item in the England Originals toolkit can be found in the toolkit folder here. The items are provided in formats that are easy to use and as far as possible can be cut and pasted into communications and marketing platforms and channels, whether that is an online newsletter, on a web page, in piece of print or as email signature. They are free to use for businesses and destinations that are part of the England Originals family.
For each item listed below we have suggested how they are intended to be used but the list is not exhaustive. All we ask is that the items are used as supplied and are not distorted or used with different colourways.
The England Originals logo
The logo is the primary version to be used on all communications.
It is used at the top of this guidance document. It is provided as a PNG file and should suitable for a number of formats.
The logo should not be combined with partner logos. Where it is appropriate to indicate which cities are included in the England Originals family, the cities should be listed under the logo in alphabetical order using the England Original default font. The cities are:
Bath, Cambridge, Canterbury, Chester, Carlisle, Durham, Greenwich, Lancaster, Lincoln, Oxford, Salisbury, Stratford-upon-Avon, Truro, Worcester, York and the City of London.
The logo is good to pair up with a destination image (see below).
The England Originals app icon
The app icon is available to show audiences what to look for in the app store or on google play. It can also be useful to provide an illustrative element in any communication about the app.
Itinerary logos
Each of the five England Originals itineraries has its own visual identity in the form of a typographic illustration. Cities may wish to use these logos to highlight the itinerary in which they feature.
The cities in each itinerary are:
Thinkers and Writers – Oxford, Worcester, Stratford-upon-Avon
Time Travellers – Greenwich, Canterbury, Cambridge
Treasure Trove – Durham, York, Lincoln
Wall to Wall – Chester, Lancaster, Carlisle
Western Wonders – Truro, Bath, Salisbury.
Visit Britain and Visit England logos
The principle funder of England Originals, Visit England, requires certain communications to carry their logo combined with a strapline to indicate that the funding has come from the Discover England Fund. They look like this.
The general rule is that these logos should be used in corporate communications and business to business communications. If the communication is intended for an international audience then choose the joint VisitBritain and VisitEngland logo. For domestic audiences the VisitEngland logo is more appropriate. The two logos above are provided in the tool kit and should be used together with the strapline which should be written in Arial and placed as shown.
Business to consumer communications should not carry the VisitBritain and VisitEngland logos.
It is unlikely that businesses in the England Original family will be creating communications that should carry these logos as their marketing materials will be aimed at consumers.
Destinations are more likely to be creating communications that should carry these logos, particularly where the audience is tourism businesses in their area. The correct choice in these instances is the VisitEngland logo and strapline.
Two flowcharts are included in this toolkit to help decide when to use these logos and which version is most appropriate. For further guidance on usage please contact Nicola Said:
Destination images
One image per city has been supplied for each of the destinations in the England Originals family. These are drawn from both the dedicated photo shoots and images supplied by the cities. More images are available on request. The images feature people that fit within our target demograhic wherever possible and aim to convey the experience of being in the cities.
The images are for use by destinations and businesses to animate and illustrate their consumer and stakeholder communications. They should be used either in conjunction with the England Originals logo and/or a piece of text about the product. The images have been supplied in a high enough resolution to use in print.

Web and Digital
The web address for England Originals is:
This site is consumer facing. It should be quoted in all communications to help drive traffic to the site.
Web banners
A couple of web banners are provided so that destinations and businesses can highlight and promote England Originals to their business and consumer audiences via their websites and digital communications.
There is a horizonal and vertical version and they can be turned into links that connect to the England Originals consumer or business-to-business website.
The ideal time to use the web banner and gif in your own marketing and emails is between from now through to the 30 September 2019 when the bulk of the tactical partner marketing will be taking place in the US.
Social media
England Originals has 2 social media accounts, on Instagram and Facebook . All participating destinations and businesses are encouraged to use it to promote and showcase the new routes.
Itinerary films
The England Originals cities have been organized into clusters of 3 each describing a 3-4- day itinerary starting in London. Each itinerary has its own video. Each video has an image included in this toolkit that you can use to highlight the film. Destinations and businesses can use the images to connect their audiences to the films by turning them into links.
Thinkers and Writers
Time Travellers
Treasure Trove
Wall to Wall
Western Wonders
The primary strapline to use in combination with the logo is:
Explore the path less travelled through England’s Historic Cities
Introductory copy
Two descriptions of England Originals are provided. The short version is just a sentence the longer version two short paragraphs. The copy is for use in stakeholder communications, on your websites and in your newsletters to consumers.
Itinerary copy
Each of the England Originals itineraries has a title, a summary and a piece of copy that can be used to describe the tour. Each city may wish to highlight the tour that is relevant to them as part of their promotional support for England Originals. The copy for each itinerary can be accessed through the links below:
Thinkers and Writers – Download the copy here.
Time Travellers – Download the copy here.
Treasure Trove – Download the copy here.
Wall to Wall – Download the copy here.
Western Wonders – Download the copy here.
England Originals uses the font FF DIN. It may need to be purchased if you do not have a comprehensive font library. It can be purchased online and is also available as part of Adobe Creative Cloud.
For those who do not have DIN, cannot access it or don’t want to buy it the alternative is Bahnschrift. This is a default font for PCs and should be used in its Bold and Regular weights only. Macs users should use Roboto which is a google font and can be downloaded for free at or Verdana which is a system for Macs.
The primary colours for The Explorer’s Road are Inkwell Blue, Tudor White and Robin Egg Blue with a highlight colour, English Mustard. They have been chosen as a mix of traditional and contemporary and to contrast well with each other.
Should you wish to use the colours to brand a communication about the Explorer’s Road to your customers or stakeholders their CMYK, RGB and Pantone reference numbers are:
Colour | CMYK ref | RGB ref | Pantone number |
Inkwell Blue | C65 M43 Y26 K78 | R51 G63 B72 | 432C
Tudor White | C0 M0 Y0 K0
R255 G255 B255
Standard White
Robin Egg Blue | C58 M0 Y36 K0 | R64 G193 B172 | 7465C |
English Mustard | C0 M29 Y100 K0 | R246 G190 B0 | 7408C |